Oyster beds naturally filter pollutants from water, help secure the shoreline against erosion, and provide a healthy habitat for other marine animals. Unfortunately, over 95% of Chesapeake Bay oyster reefs have been destroyed. Our efforts are unique in that we invite local businesses to be part of the solution; we organize local marinas to partner with us for oyster restoration. We recycle old crab pots, raise oyster spat using the marina piers, offer youth environmental action opportunities, and then plant the young oysters in the Chesapeake Bay to restore reefs. It is encouraging to work with local businesses as part of the solution, which helps to create intergenerational partnerships between older business owners and young environmental advocates.  Our work also improves mental health, especially during COVID-19, by engaging youth with nature. We partner with local environmental groups (Advocates for Herring Bay, Arundel Rivers Group, Galesville Riverkeepers, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation), but we are the only group establishing partnerships with local waterfront businesses. Our efforts are yielding results: we had the most successful harvest of any in our county for the 2020-2021 season.